Friday, June 25, 2010

Reflection - New and Emerging Technologies

I have learned so much in this class that I will take forward and implement in my classroom. One thing I have learned is that I can take my love of American History and social studies and turn it into fabulous technological experiences for my students. I enjoyed creating this lesson plan, and cannot wait to introduce it to my students. Sometimes it is not easy to incorporate technology with younger grades, but I have found that there are a plethora of programs - websites, tools, software, etc. that can be used and adapted for younger grade levels. I loved browsing through Second Life, and hope that soon it can be used for younger ages too. I also enjoyed the virtual field trips and instructional tools such as Moodle that I can use in my classroom.

My completed assignment incorporates the change agents as it challenges my students to create a voicethread in which they will draw a picture and describe one of Benjamin Franklin's inventions/ideas they researched in the library using the internet and encyclopedias. They will collaborate with high school students in the computer as they create their voicethreads.

I would like to introduce ways my collegues can use emerging technologies in their classrooms. A lot of my collegues would consider voicethreads and webquests as new technologies because they are not commonly used at my school. My computer lab teacher does a phenomonal job with introducing new technologies to the students, as teachers I would like to see more of our faculty utilize these technologies in thier lesson plans.

Lemke, C., & Coughlin, E. (2009). The change agents. Educational Leadership, 67(1), 54–59.

Posted by amorea at 6:50 PM

Sunday, June 13, 2010

hello this is a test

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This is a great site to help with creating a moodle account:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To Moodle or not to Moodle?

The term Moodle is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It is a program that uses a variety of net based projects to enhance the learning process.

Moodle is a free download and is used by a variety of institutes and individuals. Moodle is used in Whitfield County, Georgia elementary, middle and high schools.

Moodle entry can be controlled by the classroom teacher.
The teacher may give access to all sites the teacher has downloaded or the teacher may block access to only a sampling of the web-based instructional tools.

One of the pluses about Moodle is the ability to download YouTube which is normally blocked. There are many videos on YouTube that increase student learning. However, there are also many that are not appropriate for school use. The teacher can browse through the YouTube collection and download only those videos that are instructionally appropriate. By doing this, there is no chance of inadvertently playing an unsuitable video.

Teachers spend many hours searching and researching for tools that will increase their students’ learning and more importantly – their joy of learning. By downloading into Moodle the teacher has a lasting address of the projects that deem worthy of his/her students’ time.

From Pete’s Power Points, to YouTube and beyond, Moodle is the voice of the future.

Below are bulleted benefits of utilizing Moodle:

• keeps all educational/skills web sites together
• monitors students’ uses
• creates a forum to communicate between student/teacher and parent/teacher
• keeps teacher's tech skills up
• provides emergency long distant learning if child or teacher is ill
• enables teacher to see who is online if he/she is out
• can check in with substitutes (subs use student computer)
• can put substitute lesson plans on line without leaving home
• save on paper/worksheets
• selective video to enhance lessons

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have learned so much from developing my GAME plan. I have always set goals that I wanted my students to attain, but through this course I learned it is important to set goals for myself as well as my students for the lessons I teach. I like the way the GAME plan is broken down in chapter 4 on page 84. This table has ministered to me as I have, and will, prepare for units and lessons.

I must say I have many immediate adjustments I plan to make regarding integrating technology into my classroom. I LOVE the ideas and implications using a digital story can have on student learning. I have already begun designing lessons with digital story in mind. I also want to use Voicethread with my students. I love Social Studies and plan to have my students use these resources to tell their side of the story. I also want my students to design their own ‘costumes’ and have them dress up like the historical figure they are studying and tell about that figure. This gives me a way to assess their comprehension while offering lots of fun for them!

This course was a lot of fun for me and I feel I learned so much I can take back to my classroom.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I can use my GAME plan to demonstrate to my students the beginning concepts outlined in the NETS standards.

I can reiterate to them the importance of using good digital citizenship by making sure they copyright others' work and their own. I also want them to learn that there is information out there that is not appropriate for them nor is it always true.

I would love some comments on other ideas to help my utlilize my GAME plan with my kindergarten students.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Revising my Game Plan

I have learned so much I can apply to my instructional practice. One thing I learned from watching the video with Vicki Davis is that although my students are in kindergarten, we can still incorporate social networking. I can be the responder, but my students are still a part of the process.

I am interested in looking into twitter. For my life cycle of frogs/pollution lesson, I would like to twitter with some environmentalist that have specialized in water pollution and its effects.

One goal I would like to set for myself is to search for ways I can get my students to the point they can access some social networking independently. I plan to talk to our computer lab technician and see if I can sign up for more lab time.