Saturday, February 20, 2010

I can use my GAME plan to demonstrate to my students the beginning concepts outlined in the NETS standards.

I can reiterate to them the importance of using good digital citizenship by making sure they copyright others' work and their own. I also want them to learn that there is information out there that is not appropriate for them nor is it always true.

I would love some comments on other ideas to help my utlilize my GAME plan with my kindergarten students.


  1. Perhaps you could teach your students what the GAME plan is and have each one create a GAME plan of their own. Their goal may be as simple as getting healthier, treating others more kindly, or managing their school time better. They could plan their Actions, Monitor their progress and Evaluate their results. If they learn how to use the GAME plan for something they are comfortable with, then they will be more willing to use it in the future with the NET_S.

  2. Those are some great ideas. I have a tendency to make things more difficult. I like your focus on 'simple' life/character skills.
